Swiss regtech company Indigita SA has launched a new online training on the topic of Islamic finance to help financial professionals advise Muslim investors on their access to financial markets. The content of the course, which is recognised by the SAQ Swiss Association for Quality to count towards Client Advisor Bank recertification has been developed in collaboration with financial training provider Centro Studi Villa Negroni (CSVN) and is approved by Muslim Sharia advisor Mufti Abdul Kadir Barkatulla.

Indigita’s new online training explains how Muslim investors can access international financial markets and benefit from opportunities offered to conventional investors, without compromising the principles set out by their faith.
The course is structured into nine chapters and starts with basic definitions and an explanation of the differences between Islamic finance and conventional banking to help participants get familiar with the most common models. After an introduction into Islamic finance and the associated exponential growth system, the training provides an overview of the main dates in Islamic financial history, before delving into Sharia-based banking principles and the respective rules around economic and financial behaviour as well as prohibited actions. The course continues with a section on industry standards and regulations, operating structures and documentation applicable to Islamic businesses, followed by information on corporate governance in Islamic banking, Shariah boards and financial intermediation. In the concluding chapters of the training, participants learn about the application of typical Islamic contracts, the principles of murabaha deposits and financing, and the most common Islamic assets and funds. Practical hints and important points to consider are provided to support everyday business involving Muslim clients.
The online training requires approximately 45 minutes to be completed and is followed by a short quiz to assess participants’ learning progress. As with all of Indigita’s e-Learning solutions, the course is combining theoretical foundations with practical applications to offer an engaging learning experience. The development of the course content has been supported by CSVN Head Legal Area Paola Franzetti. The training is recognised by the Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ).
Indigita Head of E-Learning Andrea Briganti said: “In many aspects, Islamic finance is similar to the financial system as we commonly know it. Our new e-Learning course highlights the differences and explains how they need to be considered when advising Muslim investors.”
The new course on Islamic finance represents a further addition to Indigita’s wide range of e-Learning solutions and is available in English as of now.
More information on Indigita’s e-Learning offering: