Swiss regtech company Indigita SA has launched a new e-Learning course on the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), aimed at banking professionals working for Swiss financial institutions. The compact online training addresses the education needs of Swiss banks by covering important concepts, definitions and requirements, explaining disclosure and reporting rules, and highlighting exemptions defined by the act.

FATCA regulation requires financial institutions outside of the United States to identify accounts held by US persons and to report information on such accounts to the US tax authority. This leads to various documentation requirements for customers of Swiss banks, depending on clients’ individual circumstances and the business entity involved.
Swiss banks must ensure that all staff dealing with FATCA-related tasks possess the necessary knowhow to implement the regulation correctly. To help Swiss financial institutions train their employees on FATCA and remain compliant with the act, Indigita has designed a compact e-Learning course that covers the relevant knowledge in 13 brief lessons:
Introduction to FATCA
The impact of FATCA on Swiss banks' clients and US tax persons
Intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) and partner jurisdictions
The FATCA entity classification system
FATCA compliance for different financial entities
Non-financial foreign entities
Process of opening individual accounts under FATCA
Future FATCA due diligence on pre-existing individual accounts
Processes of opening entity accounts under FATCA
Information recording and archiving
Reporting and monitoring
FATCA withholding
Additional important FATCA concepts
The e-Learning course takes participants step-by-step through the different topics and combines theory with interactive elements, examples and scenarios to create an engaging learning experience. The training does not require any prior knowledge of the topic, takes approximately 40 minutes to complete and concludes with a final assessment to test participants’ learning progress.
The new course on FATCA regulation represents a further addition to Indigita’s extensive e-Learning solutions portfolio and is available in English as of now.
More information on Indigita’s e-Learning offering: