Geneva, 6 October 2020 - Indigita has launched a new cybersecurity e-Learning course for financial institutions, which helps to raise employees’ awareness of the topic and to train proper reaction to potential cyber-attacks, as required by FINMA. The training enables banks to mitigate operational, administrative, financial and reputational risks and helps them protect their business, employees and client data..

The content of the online course corresponds to the requirements outlined in the Financial Market Supervision Act (FINMASA), which obliges financial institutions to report cyber-attacks immediately to FINMA whenever they occur. The training also serves as a preventive measure to lower the likelihood of a cybersecurity incident by educating professionals in different functions on various cybersecurity topics, including internet and email threats, workplace and mobility, social engineering, and information handling.
Forming part of Indigita’s extensive e-learning solutions portfolio, the course takes users step-by-step through multiple sections and combines the theory on potential vulnerabilities with interactive elements, examples and scenarios. The course does not require any prior knowledge of the topic and, with a time requirement of between 20 and 30 minutes, can easily be fitted into a busy work schedule.
Indigita CEO Achille Deodato said: “Research shows that risks linked to cyber-attacks are dramatically increasing. Financial institutions are frequently targeted by hackers, since they hold highly valuable data on their clients and appear as attractive targets from a financial point of view. In that sense, FINMA is taking a very clear position, and it is of utmost importance that banks and asset managers train their staff on the safe day-to-day use of IT software and hardware in order to minimise risks.”
Indigita Head of E-Learning Andrea Briganti said: “Cyber-attacks form part of a company’s operational risk. Therefore, it is extremely important for banks to ensure that all employees are aware of the different methods of attack – not only to recognise them but also to behave in a proper way in case of an incident, in order to avoid further consequences. Our new cybersecurity awareness training will help banks in Switzerland to decrease this kind of risk, which is also the subject of a recent FINMA guidance.”